Dear friends and visitors of this Website, I am inviting you to choose St. Konrad Integrated Vocational School. St. Konrad is a unique institution which endeavors to train the children after primary seven to get both Secondary and Technical Training at the same time. This ensures that children at this level after three years’ training will become junior technicians while their counterparts in secondary school have only acquired theoretical knowledge of the school curriculum. In the fourth year of lower secondary training, our learners focus on secondary training and sit for UCE Exams and get UCE certificates. Four years of post-Primary School are spent very profitably in this school. The learner at this Level is both a junior technician, a true worker who can fend for himself or herself, and at the same time has an Ordinary Level Certificate like the counterparts in the Secondary School.

The next phase of school, which in secondary Schools is known as Higher School Certificate is in St. Konrad purely dedicated to Craft Level, in which the Learners do Craft Courses and specialize as Technicians able now to work on their own after the Course. The Craft Course also enables those who want to do further Studies enter Universities and Higher Institutions of Learning for Diploma and Degree Courses. Those who prefer to do Higher Studies will certainly be more suitable for those Engineering Courses than their counterparts who only did Higher School Certificate. Graduates of Craft are already fully fledged workers when they join Higher Institutions of Learning. Those who have just finished HSC are not workers, they are still dependents on their parents and benefactors. The Craft Graduates are already 18 Years Old like their counterparts from pure Secondary Schools, the big difference is that they have jobs, they make jobs, buy HSC Leavers cannot find jobs, because they have no qualification to find a job in our country. They must do more courses in order to qualify to find a job, and such jobs are very few. Many HSC Leavers who join Universities and Higher Institutions of Learning come back after their studies to the brute reality of Unemployment. Graduates from Craft cannot suffer from this phenomenon. They are already demanded everywhere in our country.

For our Technical Training, our learners will choose one Course each, whether at the beginning of Senior One or after completing Senior 4 beginning the Craft Level. The Courses available are Building and Construction, Carpentry and Joinery, Tailoring and Garment Cutting, Electricity Installation, Water Installation, Welding and Metal Fabrication and Agriculture.

Dear Reader, St. Konrad Integrated Vocational School is designed to help us enhance incomes in our families by enriching the labour of our youth. A skilled Labour in Uganda earns 3 times or 4 times what the unskilled Labourer earns per day. Those who want to reduce poverty in our villages, our homes, St. Konrad Integrated Vocational School is the Education Key available.

Choose St. Konrad Integrated Vocational School and you will not doubt that Skills are Food.

If you develop interest in the School, contact the school at the addresses shown in the Broschure above.




On the 22nd of October 2022, St. Konrad Integrated Vocational School was graced by the Visit of the Superior General of the Congregregation of Sisters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul, Sr. Cordula Kreinecker accompanied by Sr. Damiana, Sr. Petra and five novices, two of which are Old Girls our School.

The visitors celebrated Mass with the School community and after which they were entertained with different cultural songs and dances. The School was thankful for this important visit which is a sign of friendship that has existed between the School and the Congregation since 2013.

The day of celebration ended well and some girls were inspired by the sisters and expressed their desire to join their congregation.

The School remains grateful for this visit and all the support from this congregation.




St.Konrad Integrated School has lost many of its friends and supporters. Herr Jürgen Mayer was tone of the Friends in Bruchköbel among those who visited our School. Although he was almost 80 at the time of the visit, he was already to take all the risks and come to Uganda. His first hand experience in the school provided him with a lot of enthusiasm to raise more support for the School. He did not only pay fees of some learners and students but also contributed generously to the water project, to support the School during Covid Pandemic and to help the smooth running of the school. Jürgen Mayer passed on on 25th October 2022. May the Almighty God grant him recompense for his generosity to those in need.



The practice in Austria of not taxing donations given in charity to people in need is a form of encouragement by the State for the people to participate in Charitable works especially where the people take initiative. The Förderverein St.Konrad School/Uganda – Bebaase did not have this facility and for many years, it was being supported by Caritas Linz through the St. Michael Parish Leonding. It is with great pleasure and thanks to the Finanz Amt Österreich, that the Verein can now stand on its own in receiving donations for supporting St. Konrad Integrated Vocational School and those who give them expect to receive the taxable monez back to their accounts. Thanks to the Förderverein President Dr. Franz Sperl und his Team for this success. The friends of St. Konrad Integrated Vocational School and all well-wishers can now freely offer their donations to the school through the Förderverein Account without worry about taxation issues.

The permit to this effect was issued on 14th November 2022.

Thanks to all who are involved in raising support for the poor children in St. Konrad Integrated Vocational School.

The Document in full is shown below.

Fr. Pastor Mpora
